Would you like to know what makes me happy? Tartan, Christmas, blue and white (obvs), channeling Carolyn Roehm and, LION’S HEADS!!! Lion’s heads make me REALLY happy. AND… the fact that when I set this table this weekend to plan for the holidays my father walked in on Sunday evening and immediately said” Do you have a holiday table set yet? I can’t wait to see it!” Now THAT makes my heart sing… he gets me, he gets my passion and he loves what I do, I call that a MAJOR #win.
Usually, I am a surprise kinda girl… but with a docket of revolving house guests (including a toddler) for 10 fun filled days of festivities fast approaching (my husband actually calls it the Festival of Tears), this year I have WAAAAY more to do. So I am pre-planning and pre-setting for the big game. Sounds familiar, right? Yeppers my friends… yeppers, the holidays are like making it to a National Championship for hostesses with the mostesses, but with more champagne.
Candidly, My house is currently a DISASTER…it’s like St. Nick threw mountains of decor in every corner which makes the Witzend Wee Ones ecstatic because the boxes moonlight as an obstacle course for their remote control cars. (Insert bursts of shouting by yours truly). The dogs are underfoot CONSTANTLY and are prematurely waiting for cars to arrive and leftovers to be doled out. They know things… when the table is set they need to be in close proximity of windows ALLLLL OF THE TIME to be sure that they don’t miss a single arrival or opportunity to jump up and down or bark.
I have less than 20 days to nail it all down. That’s fine. I once planned a seated black tie gala for 300 in 3 weeks. I got this. It’s Christmas. It’s family. It’s cozy, and no one cares (OK, other than me) what the table looks like, as long as we are all seated at every chair.

I should be so lucky that the biggest issue on my plate is ‘plates’. When the time comes, and the table(s) are set, all that should matter is thanks, prayers, grace and cheers and making Merry as we smile knowing that it isn’t the setting that makes the meal but rather the company.
Cheers to the holidays my dear friends. To YOU, and your families, and to knowing that our “people” are what makes our place settings special. All this means that there is a good chance my posts here will be spotty so that this Santa / Elf/ Mermaid/ Unicorn can enjoy this time with her crazy kids, and crack pot family. On another hand I may need to vent.