Honestly… I had a whole other post about 70% written but it wasn’t ‘speaking’ to me… it felt forced. Weird. And really just not where my head space actually IS right now. Que up a little family dinner, some epic fart jokes, a glass (ok… maybe 2ish) of vino and a good old “Alexa, play Led Zepplin” sesh… and if you are pulling out the LED then you need a good old CRANK IT UP’ kinda dance party to show your kids “how it’s done”. And THEN you need a whole lotta laughing… because if you can’t laugh at yourself then… and we are back in business…. Why? Because THIS is my life… and LIFE can sometimes be AWESOME… and LIFE can suck, but it’s LIFE and I wouldn’t have it any other way…

I’ll be perfectly honest, When I IG teased this post the other day that I was ready to kick March to the curb. I seriously wasn’t lying. Kicking off the month with ACL repair for our buck-thirty lb fur baby was only trumped by the last few weeks which, have been BEYOND ridic. I wasn’t going to dish it. I actually had grand intentions of keeping it close to the vest. If for no other reason than because y’all don’t need to know EVERYTHING, and I prefer it that way. But then tonight… as I attempted to force a post I realized that these posts aren’t just for YOU. They are for ME too. These blog posts are 1) Cheaper than Therapy. 2) Gets crap off my chest that otherwise might weigh me down and 3)… shit… I don’t know what number 3 is BUT, I am SURE it is super esoteric and poignantly related to numbers 1 & 2.

Here is the gist. Aside from Hockey Try Outs (which seemed like THE BIGGEST DEAL) we learned a lot more this week that revolved around ourselves. The end result? Vaccinate your kids. (I did!) … Then when you are done vaccinating … wrap them in bubble wrap and seal the package nicely and uniformly with a crap-load of Duct Tape, enough to make Martha proud but not enough to suffocate… and then hope for the friggin’ best. Here is why…

Whilst your AMAZING hockey tryout prayers were SO well received (I mean, you all THREW IT DOWN!!!! And so did the Witzend Wee ones!!!) on the day after, the littlest Wee One awoke with a fully swollen face on one side. I mean WTF is that?!?!? Truthfully, he was thrown into the boards (ILLEGAL!!!) pretty hard at practice and I was pretty convinced it was related to that. But No. Like any good Mom I made an appointment. I know what you are thinking, and you are probably right, but bear with me because, if I DON’T get this out then there may be irreplaceable harm to someone else… and because yes, I have said it before … blogging is cheaper than therapy.

So, Yeah, where was I …. Dr. appt. scheduled… everyone else put on the bus, life was status quo… WHOA….not so fast… Actually more like a fast and furious call from the Ped. Office on my way back down the driveway. ” the Dr. asks that (baby boy) actually come in at 9 (in 30 minutes!!!) and, would you please mind using the back door?“ I’m so ridic wrapped up in my own hoorahrah that I’m beyond freaking out and just totally complacent… I mean earlier appointment? YEZZZZZZZZ! Booyyah! But wait.. back door? Just GO MAMA GO mode in full effect and STILL not figuring things out… Urgh, to think that my “issue of the day” was how many hours I was losing to paint Eggs.

If you have read this far and you watch ANY sort of news, you may very well have figured out where we stood at that moment. What are the symptoms? What are the signs? I actually WATCH the news… but did I know? Nope. But still… Yes… we were a suspected MUMPS case. I mean WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!?!? Seriously y’all… my kids ARE fully vaccinated! We aren’t supposed to get this Shit. NOT SUPPOSED TO GET THIS! But here we are. We have had over a week of Quarantine (with an Asymptomatic kiddo, and still waiting on final test results) who has been bored out of his MIND…How bored? Sooooooo bored that he decided to treat our living room as a Parkour Course and jump from Sofa to Sofa… a sanctioned activity on a GOOD day? NEVER… on a bad day? STILL A NO GO ZONE YO! But he DID it and, ok … go ahead, guess it…

You KNOW how it probs works out dontch’ya? Yep… missed the landing. A claw foot table base, a small wrist… formerly known as intact… and a full day that otherwise could have ben spent doing oh… I don’t know EVERYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN BEING IN THE ER!?!? Urgh, 9 hours and a full surgical reset and cast later and this kid… the SWEETEST kid on the planet and the CRAZIEST FRICKIN’ kid on the planet at the same time is on the mend. Me? Still working on the mending part. Life can be such a vicious dichotomy right? Urgh… So yes, Pretty Easter Tablescapes make me happy…So happy that actually I shot this with said quarantined boy in the wings just out of view… Spongebob marathon for the WIN y’all. but truly… there was NO way I wasn’t doing this… and my little patient helped… and that makes everything I do all the more special.

Cheers to Eggs En Masse…to a “cant miss” Tobacco leaf layout, to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, to the new start that Spring brings and to casts to match your favorite team colors (Go Flyers!) . May the light of spring shine on you and that your days be blessed with the spirit of a new start, a new season and a new approach to life. Just do me a favor… don’t jump on the FRIGGIN’ furniture.
P.S…. a big HUGE thank you to the always amazing Mottahedeh for providing the Pink Lace and Tobacco Leaf plates shown here!