Ok…. For REALZZZZZZ y’all, I am pretty sure we had (save for the scant token few days of actual warmth) 107 days of January… I mean, lemme tell ya, I would give Mother Nature the what-for but, I’m going to need her help going forward so I am pretty sure that would just be bad Juju, and it is NOT smart to mess with Juju. Plus, these last few days have been AWESOME(!!!) so, she is starting to redeem herself…

However, In light of the fact that spring was SOOOOOO far behind schedule I had to take matters in my own hands and throw down some serious Spring vibes. As in ‘cutting as many daffodils as I could fit on this table’ kind of vibes. And the kind of vibes where one, with great and frustrated fanfare, fills every single planter, pot, and vase in the house with something flowering as if to spite what is happening on the other side of the windows.

We’ve been CRAZZZZZZY busy here, as you may have noticed (due to my slack-ass blogger mentality) but here’s the rub… I’ve been tiling, I’ve been painting, weeding, digging, planting, more painting, edging, raking, hauling, more painting…. shoooooot my friends, we even re-roofed our pool house (finally! And, OK, I was shingle and nail lackey while my husband did the climbing stuff but, it counts!). Oh and I’ve been painting some more… actually I’m STILL painting, and probably am never NOT going to be painting. But, for now, I am procrastinating so I can toot our own horn. We have been DOING, and we somehow have managed to keep DOING what we have been doing despite my husband starting a new job AND our 6 days a week spring sports schedule (for which I would be happy to blame on the Witzend Wee Ones instead of myself who thought I wouldn’t take issue with such madness).
Do I pass out by 10pm? Yup. Hand up, raised high, this mama is whooped. BUT… When I found these cutie patootie little pots at my local garden center the other day I nearly “you know what” in my old “getting stuff done” mom-jeans…. stop the bus, hold the phone, they are tooooooo cute AND they were less than $4 each (!!!) OMG!!!!

So I bought every one they had, and my mojo kicked into gear on the 7 minute ride home and I had some serious REM that night about making these little floral topiaries. So, the next day I woke up and Booyah… helllloooooooo Sister Mary Sunshine! Because, there is little that compares to a Spring table. Old Mother Nature may need a few therapy sessions for the kind of havoc she’s been wrecking out there this year but, for a brief time it was full tilt boogie Spring in my kitchen. And these little “Faux-piaries” are SOOOOOOO easy to make… I mean seriously y’all… click here for the fast and furious tutorial… you’ll wonder why we haven’t been making them with every bloom that stands still and how many machinations of this little DIY we can come up with.
So, until we are fully freed of freeze warnings and I can rationalize dragging my rear to the nursery for patio plants and ‘Maters I may just keep coming back to ogle all things Spring in little squares and hope you do. Happy Spring!